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Übersetzungen für level crossing im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für level crossing

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He applies the brakes, but a road tanker stalled across a level crossing is looming up just ahead.
These were formerly served by a private level crossing which was closed in 2003, leaving them inaccessible by vehicles larger than a car.
This is so that the level crossing doesn't have to be closed while the train waits.
These signs may be used to represent the distance to a level crossing in three equal parts.
The conductor/guard is also required to operate the level crossing at the station as well as this is not automatic.
The level crossing alongside the station was once controlled by a crossing keeper who lived in a lodge adjacent to his place of work.
Since we always have minimum of three independent parameters, level crossing is not totally avoided in these molecules.
The last three tracks are accessible from the platform of the tracks 6 and 7 with a track level crossing.
The level crossing was eventually replaced by a bridge in 2002.
The station was situated at a level crossing on the road between the two.

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