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Übersetzungen für louder im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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loud [laʊd] ADJ

3. loud abw (aggressively noisy):

Beispielsätze für louder

actions speak louder than words sprichw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their vocalizations range from soft cheeps to piercing cries, but they lack the screeching voice of other parrots; males are, however, louder than females.
Including a button to make the exhausts chirrup that power even louder.
Songs for defense are louder, more bombastic, laced with power chords, in hopes of disrupting the opposing teams' pre-play preparations.
We believe our work for each of you, our results over time and our enviable regulatory record speak louder than any of this titillating nonsense.
The kinnor is sometimes mentioned in conjunction with the nevel, which is also presumed to be a lyre but larger and louder than the kinnor.
The second hit under the bridge with a dull thud, much louder than the duds heard only on sonar but lacking the whacking noise which accompanies a wholehearted explosion.
These are larger than the 300 and 500 units, offering louder sound and a wider, automotive grade screen.
A typical cypress flamenco guitar produces more treble and louder percussion than the more sonorous negra.
This climbs into a louder and higher pitched series of howls, often made while the owl dives at the intruder.
Ward also states that the production appropriate; wistful during the verses and a louder, more emotional score during the chorus.

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