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Übersetzungen für low-key im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is a private person who played a low-key role in her husband's career.
Visual elements included low-key lighting, striking use of light and shadow, and unusual camera placement.
It's a weekly feature at the resort, and rather lovely: a low-key beachside clambake.
She said it was more low-key than recent episodes, and that when the office antics go on the back burner, so do the laughs.
The museum is expected to have a low-key opening in late 2010 as fundraising continues.
The album has a more low-key sound than the band's two previous efforts, having been recorded by the band themselves in their own studio.
The whole performance was low-key compared to her previous ones.
She is disappointed by her plans for a low-key hen night, so organises a livelier event.
The album received mixed reviews, with several complaining the album's low-key moody nature working against the potential of the songs.
Events are low-key: the government agent is a mild-mannered accountant who does not like the task.

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