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Übersetzungen für lunar im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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lunar [ˈlu:nəɐ, Am ˈlu:nɚ] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A lunar month may have 29 or 30 days.
It was constructed to provide permanent storage of the lunar sample collection in a physically secure and non-contaminating environment.
Launched in 1998, it spent 1 years in lunar orbit.
Lunar distances were widely used at sea from 1767 to about 1850.
As more data has become available, particularly from lunar meteorites, this theory, while still controversial, has gained in popularity.
It has flown at both poles, from the highest peaks, traveled to the depths of the ocean, to the lunar surface, and outer space.
One of its primary objectives is to regulate the lunar part that it will keep pace with the solar part.
Visual observation suggests that the same is the case with other lunar rilles with similar features at their beginnings.
Six cameras were designed to take thousands of high-altitude photographs in the final twenty-minute period before crashing on the lunar surface.
The message still rests on the lunar surface today.

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