Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für macho im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . macho [ˈmætʃəʊ, Am ˈmɑ:tʃoʊ] SUBST

II . macho [ˈmætʃəʊ, Am ˈmɑ:tʃoʊ] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He had no presence and made his macho character into an unconvincing brute, someone devoid of a personality.
Before the tournament, competitors were interviewed pulling macho faces and growling, whilst boasting how they were going to win the event and destroy their opponents.
During his film career, he was primarily an action star and was particularly famous for his macho image and unique style.
He's handsome and has the obligatory macho stubble, but he has a quality that makes you worry a little about him.
Scholars characterize macho men as violent, rude, womanizing, and prone to alcoholism.
Taut, tough, and entirely without macho-glorification, it's a gem, with first-class performances from its three protagonists, deftly characterised without resort to clich.
It was very rough on my macho idea of life.
Crick is the epitome of the macho man stereotype, with his big pectorals, conceited attitude, and abusiveness.
They both desired to leave the macho attitude and religious preaching of their former projects.
He just played games and was rather macho and so on.

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