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Übersetzungen für mark-up im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Marketing companies and retailers will add their respective mark-up to these prices.
It happens because pharmacists can charge a mark-up on top of the dispensing fee, based on the price of the drug.
Why is there such a huge mark-up on all sorts of products?
However, we can calculate it if we know the gross profit percentage on sales -- or, the mark-up on cost of sales.
There is no mark-up (there can't be as under law all payments have to be made at the farm).
There's definitely money to be had, the mark-up per cone is much more than you think but you do have to be good at selling.
He said the government would make this measure meaningful and result-oriented so that business community could avail full advantage of the lowest mark-up rate.
As a bonus, updated cross- references will also be spared treatment as mark-up.
It's about business skills, understanding cost, mark-up, margin, and learning to make your business sustainable.
So what about the thorny issue of mark-up on wine?

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