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Übersetzungen für marriage guidance counsellor im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was what marriage guidance counsellors would call "progress".
Others will need the help of marriage guidance counsellors after competing claimants for their affections turned up at the vigil site.
Many of the women had contacted marriage guidance counsellors but found them lacking in specialised training.
You don't need to be a marriage guidance counsellor to get what she's driving at.
With worries floating through her head that their marriage may be coming to a close she seeks the help of the local marriage guidance counsellor.
In those early days, she ran the hotel on a shoestring while also working as a marriage guidance counsellor.
Marriage guidance counsellors said many relationships would benefit from the extra "quality time" together.
It's the type of conclusion that make you wonder if you should walk out now, or get a marriage guidance counsellor on a retainer.

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