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Übersetzungen für material evidence im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

How people construct and interact with the world around them provide material evidence of a specific worldview.
The fate of the litigation may rest on the material evidence that is or isn't produced.
While some former players and cricket administrators suspected a case of match fixing, no material evidence supporting this has emerged.
Through acquiring, conserving, researching, communication and exhibiting material evidence related to the history of footwear and shoemaking, the museum illustrates the living habits, the culture and the customs of people.
Nevertheless, no material evidence has ever appeared to incriminate a specific group.
Third, he asserted that theory was needed for the archaeologist to accept and admit to their own personal biases and agendas in interpreting the material evidence.
Affected, with material evidence, two unmanned aerial vehicles.
This tradition, while difficult to prove, is supported in part by material evidence, which suggests that the monument once served as a royal mortuary shrine.
The scientific interpretation of material evidence is often necessary, as the written record of many industrial techniques is often incomplete or nonexistent.
Material evidence of the village's existence, however, can only be traced back to the year 1483.

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