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Übersetzungen für mediator im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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mediator [ˈmi:dɪeɪtəɐ, Am -t̬ɚ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Mediators should also give the parties an opportunity to ask questions and suggest changes.
In civil actions, the parties are at all times able to resolve their disputes before local government mediators.
Cultural awareness ensures that mediators can adapt their skills and techniques to ensure that they can maintain their standard of care throughout the mediation process.
In the same fashion, she acted as a mediator between her consort and the royal house, especially when he was out of favor.
He also acted as a mediator between the two rival leagues and helped negotiate a merger.
He acts as a mediator between them and his older siblings.
These officials acted as mediators between king and people in each realm.
Meetings were held with a mediator throughout the month, but talks were repeatedly broken off.
She acted as school inspector and mediator in local arguments.
At the point where one idea has been replaced by the other, and the concept is no longer required, the mediator vanishes.

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