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Übersetzungen für men's room im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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men's room [ˈmenzˌru:m] SUBST Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The men's room has a dark and brooding mood with black tiles and a dark vanity top.
There was some vomit in the men's room and apparently some graffiti.
Frequently cited is the print advertisement for the series, which features two men dressed as women standing at men's room urinals.
Seeing himself in the men's room mirror, in the ghastly glow of the strip lights, he realized he was beginning to look like his father.
The former is set in a subway men's room and involves a series of events framed by the voice of a man asking for toilet paper from inside a stall.
All 17 beds in the men's room are taken each night and have been for some time.
The genesis of the toy line came about from a chance meeting in a men's room.
He finds then in the men's room and enters a target sequence cancel code to abort the aerial support mission.
The game assumes that whichever restroom is entered is appropriate, so entering the men's room means that the player's character will be male.
In the men's room a number of men gathered from the village or neighboring villages.

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