Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für mirthful im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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mirthful [ˈmɜ:θfl, Am ˈmɜ:rθ-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

On the dais crowded with officials and village leaders, there was mirthful insistence that "happiness week" had kicked off well.
But fille the bowl litel by litel, daye by daye, and the yowlinge and disaster shal nevir come and thy catte shal be moost mirthful.
Genial and kindly in manner, a mirthful and interesting companion, a staunch friend, we can never forget him...
The mirthful misfits go on a spree, stealing numerous minks from boutiques and storerooms.
There are attractive design enhancements, and entertaining bouts of mirthful amusement provided by the sybaritic bohemians with a crowd-pleasing, line-dancing number.
He's gregarious, mirthful, swinging at pitches he has no business hitting and hitting them well.
His disposition was mirthful, and he was a great patron of the stage.
A week later, they were randomly assigned to watch a 20-minute film clip intended to either evoke eustress (mirthful laughter) or distress.
Things worked out a little better for both our protagonists in the final cut, even if mirthful prospects might not loom over the horizon in any post-apocalypse.
I think the power of recognizing that another species has a mirthful response or is clearly enjoying something, we see ourselves in that.

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