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Übersetzungen für mortarboard im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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mortarboard [ˈmɔ:təɐbɔ:d, Am ˈmɔ:rtɚbɔ:rd] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She slams his mortarboard over his head.
In a vote to keep the gown and mortarboard compulsory, 78 per cent were in favour.
Near the conclusion of the graduation ceremony, the tassel that hangs from the graduate's mortarboard is moved from the right to the left.
It includes a jacket, waistcoat, trousers, white shirt, brown bow-tie with circular motif, black teacher's cape, mortarboard and a pair of black leather boots.
There are several types of mortarboard that are usually made.
The chance of being injured by a flying mortarboard is incredibly small and it's over the top to impose an outright ban.
Their invention and subsequent patent was the result of his idea to incorporate a metal filling into the mortarboard thus making it more sturdy.
The mortarboard may also be referred to as a trencher cap (or simply trencher).
Women who opt for the mortarboard now no longer wear them indoors, but conform with the practice of male members of the university.
This is also the ancestor of the modern mortarboard used today in secular universities.

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