Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für move down im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The player uses a joystick to accelerate, decelerate, move up, and move down.
One at a time, the castaways would move down the beam, squeezing past their fellow tribe members.
The screen auto scrolls up as the worms and blocks move down.
They were anxious to have the land officially approved so that they could move down and establish themselves.
It is commonplace to be instructed to move down the counter to allow newly seated customers to be seated together.
Inappropriately fine-grained powder often caused cannons to burst before the projectile could move down the barrel, due to the high initial spike in pressure.
Sometimes the opposite occurred and families would move down the social ladder due to disgrace or financial calamity.
Some are permanent residents, while others may migrate south in winter or move down from higher elevations.
A move down yields two half-cycles horizontally and a half-cycle vertically.
They move down to the base of leaf stems, where they spend the daylight hours (the caterpillars are nocturnal).

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