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Übersetzungen für naff im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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naff <-er, -est> [næf] ADJ Brit ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

No, because that's just a really naff idea.
I think we've gotten a lot better at sniffing out things that are feeling preachy and theatre-y and naff.
Grungy, but in a naff sort of way.
Now there is a new generation that thinks all of this is rather naff.
Clunky, naff high school prom opening, then a spectacular lift and into the routine.
Stewards did not dress up in naff period costume, but they were particularly friendly to children, who can wear stickers with their names on.
That only leaves the one objection to therapy culture which always underpinned our national resistance: it's just a bit naff though, isn't it?
So you need to get all over this ukulele craze before it burns out and ends up as naff as tag rugby.
Deep down, we are all a bit naff, and we secretly love it.
The new-style paint effects -- no naff spongewashing here, thank you -- can also lend sophistication to a room.

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