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Übersetzungen für non-material im Russisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In other words, the universe is envisioned as a combination of perceivable material reality and non-perceivable, non-material laws and principles of nature.
Non-material couplings were linking elements that would allow each vehicle to be self-contained, while moving in unison.
These are typically non-material squeezes, often with a throw-in in the end position.
Forces such as magnetism, gravity, and quantum mechanics also point to non-material forces acting in nature.
Breach of a non-material term gives rise to a claim for damages only.
In contrast, indicative conditionals, sometimes known as non-material conditionals, attempt to describe if-then reasoning involving hypotheticals, fictions, or counterfactuals.
Data processors will now be liable for material or non-material damage suffered by any person as a result of an infringement of the GDPR.
His theory of cultural lag suggests that a period of maladjustment occurs when the non-material culture is struggling to adapt to new material conditions.

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