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Übersetzungen für noughts and crosses im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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noughts and crosses SUBST Brit games

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But more often than not it feels as though you are continually at a stalemate -- chasing one another round the board in an extraordinary version of noughts and crosses.
The image of a girl playing noughts and crosses with a toy clown was used to tune sets and shown between programmes before the era of all-day television.
At one stage a noughts and crosses game was carved into the skin on his back.
Compare chess with noughts and crosses.
The games have varied difficulty options and you can even play noughts and crosses against a friend, as long as you are sat at the same computer.
I headed to my manager and filled him in on his new role of noughts and crosses manager.
Around 200 people turned out to the event, which included pumpkin bowling, pumpkin noughts and crosses, pumpkin toss, and pumpkin racing for entertainment.
We are assuming that this hypercube is completely filled with noughts and crosses.
Such exam howlers bring wry smiles or guffaws of delight to those lecturers and school teachers weary of playing noughts and crosses on their scripts.
And if you search for "tic-tac-toe", you can play the game that's frequently known as noughts and crosses.

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