Russisch » Englisch

Übersetzungen für novation im Russisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Where a party wishes to transfer both the benefit and burden of the contract this generally needs to be done by way of a novation.
And novation substantially changed the buying habits for company cars.
Novation leaders are attracted to technology-enabled service businesses with a differentiated value proposition for their customers.
However, if a purchaser is nominated, has there been a partial or complete novation of the agreement (including an assignment of the purchaser's rights)?
The new lessee will be liable for duty on the novation of the agreement for lease.
Stage 1 will include contractor appointment, novation of the design team, detailed design, and subcontractor procurement.
In this context, novation is considered a form of risk management.
Novation, as this is called, may also be inferred by the conduct of the parties such as where the terms of the original agreement are changed.
The first four of these acts are collectively termed a novation.
This process of transferring the trade title to the clearing house is called novation.

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