Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für owes im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She admits that her bustline frequently owes more to artifice than nature.
Everyone who works in our field owes him a debt of gratitude for revolutionizing how we get and share software and information.
She is only reassured when her father arrives and tells her that he owes his life to the crusader.
The development of population ecology owes much to demography and actuarial life tables.
If the obligor owes back child support, they must continue to make payments until the debt is satisfied, regardless of the age of the child.
The leaves themselves are simple and ovate to oblong-ovate with serrated or crenate margins, to which the tree owes its specific epithet "serrata".
There has been a cosy self-delusion that rising debt is largely benign because it is merely money that society owes to itself.
The commune is a ski resort and owes its name to the river which runs through it.
The silver birch is a medium-sized deciduous tree that owes its common name to the white peeling bark on the trunk.
The magazine company, while now having more cash on hand, also now owes a year of magazines.

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