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Übersetzungen für pageantry im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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pageantry [ˈpædʒəntrɪ] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He found inspiration not only in holiday spectacle and pageantry but also in the natural and everyday side of life.
Its aim is to advance and support today's beautiful by nature ladies while promoting passion for pageantry with a purpose.
The schools also take pride in supporting their respective drama departments, as well as their bands, pageantry and choir departments.
Her college thesis was about local pageantry, which she says opened her eyes to the world of beauty pageants.
This four day extravaganza hosts a veritable galaxy of daft competitions, street partying, parades and pageantry.
The festival lasts for ten days and is observed with pomp and pageantry.
It is an expression of popular fascination for sound and colour, and because of the pageantry, it appeals to all people, including foreigners.
Her career in pageantry lead her to modeling.
The first type most commonly used in conjunction with pageantry, presentation and performance primarily.
Crowds gathered to witness the event, and the emperors devoted much time to public pageantry.

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