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Übersetzungen für password im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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password [ˈpɑ:swɜ:d, Am ˈpæswɜ:rd] SUBST a. COMPUT

e-mail password SUBST COMPUT

Beispielsätze für password

to enter one's password

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Statistically, the possibility of recovering the password depends on the password strength.
All items in such lists are considered weak, as are passwords that are simple modifications of them.
The game issues the player a password for each level completed.
Many believe that lead to the transmission of the password in plain text, allowing the hacker to sniff, and exploit the host.
Cheat codes are usually activated by typing secret passwords or entering pressing controller buttons in a certain sequence.
Later on, smaller groups in the temple turn out to be used not only for prayers, but also as passwords for unlocking barriers.
In time the cyber criminals are able to obtain password and keys information.
It screens all network traffic for proper passwords or other security codes and only allows authorized transmission in and out of the network.
On accounts in which one has saved card information, it is important to have a strong password with a mix of numbers and symbols.
The passwords themselves were not worth any money; only the puzzle affected the scores.

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