Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für pierced im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

I . pierce [pɪəs, Am pɪrs] VERB trans

2. pierce (go through):

Beispielsätze für pierced

to have pierced ears

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is a two-and-a-half-story red brick building on a sandstone foundation with steeply-pitched gabled roof pierced by three brick chimneys.
They can be pierced and threaded onto necklaces or made into other forms of jewellery.
This database is used to support an octagonal brick tower with a height of 12.65 meters, consisting of three parts pierced twin arc miter windows.
The steeply-pitched blue slate roofs are pierced with discreet small-paned dormers above the pedimented dormers that stand upon the cornices.
Were you there when they pierced him in the side?
The walls themselves were also pierced with loopholes.
The wooden pulpit is polygonal, and is decorated with a frieze of pierced tracery.
The large armlet of pierced gold ("opus interrasile") showed traces of hematite on the reverse side, which probably would have been used as a type of jeweller's rouge.
Pierced by rows of identical windows repeated across the entire development, the faades are expected to be effectively self-cleaning and immune to fading.
The flag has actually pierced his skin and become stuck in his skull.

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