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Übersetzungen für pity im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . pity [ˈpɪtɪ, Am ˈpɪt̬-] SUBST no Pl

2. pity (crying shame, unfortunate matter):

(it's a) pity
more's the pity
what a pity

II . pity <-ies, -ied> [ˈpɪtɪ, Am ˈpɪt̬-] VERB trans

self-pity SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Swift acknowledges that she wasn't interested in a pity party.
She easily becomes lost in self-pity and at the same time believes herself to be above everyone around her.
Pity leads to depression, loss of vitality and strength, and is harmful to life.
The thoroughgoing unpleasantness of this character was exposed and emphasised through his capacity for insult, self-pity and brutality.
This is no pity party, but a challenge to engage in stories that enhance empathy.
The angry tone continues mixed with some self-pity.
Pity, because the drama and intrigue are chilling and, in cases, blood-curdling.
Someone else might have thrown himself a pity party.
The instrument of others' suffering, she is also the victim of her own impulses, a figure that inspires both terror and pity.
He refuses to stay over, even out of pity, coldly stating that "that" is simply something he would never lend.

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