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Übersetzungen für polisher im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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polisher [ˈpɒlɪʃəʳ, Am ˈpɑ:lɪʃɚ] SUBST

1. polisher (person who polishes sth):


2. polisher (tool or device to polish):

(floor) polisher
(floor) polisher

Beispielsätze für polisher

(floor) polisher

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

From this point on, a polisher works to form and grind surfaces and geometry as needed; note that these stages are also where damage is repaired through careful reshaping.
This is then taken apart again and handed over to the polisher who applies multiple layers of clear lacquer to create its lustre finish.
So many polishers were found at one site that a workshop and prehistoric village location have been suggested.
There are also rusted items players will find, which must be taken to a polisher to reveal their true nature.
Although he is a formidable pugilist, he prefers to lead an anonymous life as a mirror polisher.
Cutters and polishers: those who buy rough diamonds from the producers, then cut and polish.
To aid the seed in germination, botanists now use turkeys and gem polishers to erode the endocarp to allow germination.
His father worked as a metal polisher and a wool duster.
His father worked as a diamond polisher and setter.
They bring together some tens of different components: watchmakers, engineers, movement decorators, polishers, etc.

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