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Übersetzungen für polling day im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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polling day SUBST Brit, Aus

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Otherwise, the returning officer issues a notice of contested election specifying when polling day will be.
The legal minimum campaign time, from when the election is announced to polling day, is nine days.
They argue that polls only measure preferences on the polling day, whereas election stock markets forecast the outcome on election day.
Because of the lack of security, the full list of polling centers was only announced on the actual polling day.
On polling day she came fifth, with 1,074 votes (2.3% of the total).
In addition, holding election meetings and canvassing are not permitted on the day before polling day and polling day itself.
As this byelection writ was filled by acclamation, no polling day was required and the seat was filled within two weeks.
They were found after polling day at the bottom of a coal mine.
The civil authorities were prepared for violence on polling day.
The election timetable will state when counting agents have to be appointed, typically a week before polling day.

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