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Übersetzungen für polytheistic im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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polytheistic [ˌpɒlɪθi:ˈɪstɪk, Am ˌpɑ:lɪ-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It illustrates the sing-song, metrical, and poetic format of polytheistic prayers.
It is common in polytheistic mythologies to find characters that can change gender, or have aspects of both male and female genders at the same time.
According to this theory, religion evolves from more polytheistic to more monotheistic forms.
In polytheistic religions or mythologies, it is common to have a deity who is assigned the function of presiding over death.
The term connotes a theology that is not outright polytheistic, but also should not be seen as purely monotheistic.
It was a polytheistic religion, worshipping a number of different deities.
No ancient polytheistic source appears for such a deity.
These religions are of the pantheistic and polytheistic-animistic kind, often including shamanic roles.
Hundreds of cultural artifacts that were deemed polytheistic were also destroyed including a major museuhjkh and countless private art collections.
An actual battle took place between the king's forces and the pagan camp, resulting in the weakening of polytheistic military strength.

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