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Übersetzungen für preppy im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the infirmary he passes the preppy girl, who'd apparently fallen down the stairs and injured her arm.
If we're seeing an echo of '80s punk in the camo trend, it's balanced by the preppy look of varsity style.
They had to dress mod, bollywood, preppy, and punk.
Such clothing often includes elements drawn from typical preppy style, such as nautical stripes, pastel colours, or equestrian details.
She comes to your town hoping for a home that includes no preppy people.
The album was accompanied with another change in the group's appearance as they moved away from their clean look into a more preppy style by sporting trendy clothing and styles.
The book addresses preppy life from birth to old age, lending understanding to the cultural aspects of preppy life.
The novel describes her as a preppy.
It shared the secrets of the preppy code, making preppy seem neat, attractive, and suddenly attainable.
He gets drunk and steps outside, only to find some preppy college kids trying to burn drunks and winos to death.

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