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Übersetzungen für prig im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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prig [prɪg] SUBST abw

Beispielsätze für prig

to be a prig

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Dex is an arrogant prig who expects everything to come to him without working for it.
She has turned me into a model man but not a prig, she is a wildly exciting lover-mistress, she is shy and witty, she is nobody's fool.
After all, if she can be turned into a nicey-nice dispenser of advice on how to become a smug, self-admiring prig, can she really be that great?
It is being actively harassed by a bunch of do-gooding prigs (my opinion); upholders of female dignity/practical linguists (their opinion).
A prig is a believer in red tape; that is, he exalts the method above the work done.
Worse, by being tight-lipped, ignorant, censorious prigs, we are also at fault.
Some think him a dupe, an insufferable prig, worst of all a windbag.
A prig is wise beyond his years in all things that do not matter.
A self-conscious prig, so given to examining all sides of a question that he becomes thoroughly addled while remaining always in the same spot.
Characters are prigs, pedants and profligates...

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