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Übersetzungen für progression im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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progression [prəˈgreʃn] SUBST no Pl a. mat

Beispielsätze für progression

progression of a disease

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

That is, they either prevent the development of epilepsy or can halt or reverse the progression of epilepsy.
It is awarded on the basis of hierarchical progression.
Surgery can stop the progression of the condition.
Progressions of dunes have created much of the rest of the shoreline, especially on the easterly side.
Text progression pauses at these points and depending on the choices that the player makes, the plot will progress in a specific direction.
From the jazz perspective of form, the harmonic progression is key and the melody is an elaboration of the harmonic.
The philosophical definition of inductive reasoning is much more nuanced than simple progression from particular/individual instances to broader generalizations.
Cases with rapid progression of clinical signs, uncontrollable encephalopathy, haemorrhage or haemolysis have a poor prognosis.
The region was unaffected by the progression of troughs that would usually decrease the water temperatures.
There are two possible readings of this progression.

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