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Übersetzungen für radiography im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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radiography [ˌreɪdɪˈɒgrəfɪ, Am -ˈɑ:grə-] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Radiography may also show cervical emphysema, air in the tissues of the neck.
Specific areas of study can include nursing, radiography, health care management, and other allied health fields.
Radiography showed hair stubble on the scalp as well as the remains of the brain inside the cranium.
It has recently been superseded due to the replacement of film with computed radiography or direct digital radiography detectors.
Industrial radiography has grown out of engineering, and is a major element of nondestructive testing.
Bone and some organs (such as lungs) especially lend themselves to projection radiography.
He began conducting experiments using the combination of radiography and endsocopy in the laboratory setting.
The remaining tests were carried out on heterozygous mutant mice and radiography showed female animals had defects in their transverse processes.
The vast majority of radiography concerns the testing and grading of welds on pressurized piping, pressure vessels, high-capacity storage containers, pipelines, and some structural welds.
Iridium-192 is commonly used as a gamma ray source in industrial radiography to locate flaws in metal components.

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