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Übersetzungen für radiotherapy im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

radiotherapy [ˌreɪdɪəʊˈθerəpɪ, Am -oʊˈ-] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He received radiotherapy the first 2 times, then chemotherapy.
In 1970 the first of a series of new buildings were opened, including accident and emergency, radiology and radiotherapy, laboratory, out-patient services and medical departments.
The amount of radiotherapy depends on the size of the area of the brain affected by cancer.
Radiotherapy is also a very effective mode of treatment in certain types of cancer, but it has its own adverse effects as well.
The last one is the proton beam radiotherapy which is a ray of protons that is directed only on the tumor.
At times, after surgical removal of a part of the cancer, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy may be necessary to treat the remnant portion of cancer.
Typically, radiotherapy is used postoperatively in respect to whether or not a partial or complete excision of the tumor has been accomplished.
The hospital is equipped with five operating theatres and two purpose built radiotherapy bunkers.
They manage the patient pathway through the many radiotherapy processes, as outlined below, providing care and support for patients throughout their radiotherapy treatment.
Previously having ovarian cancer is a risk factor for endometrial cancer, as is having previous radiotherapy.

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