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Übersetzungen für raffish im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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raffish [ˈræfɪʃ] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But jazz was different, more visceral and raffish, hinting at the prurient origins of the word itself.
Chinos for the chaps and raffish cravats.
He is an amusingly slippery mentor, steering his charges with a raffish mix of manipulation and sarcasm.
This branch is prominent at the moment, but another line, as old as the novel itself, adopts a more raffish attitude.
Of course, these people live in a raffish, theatrical, bohemian society where no one really knows anyone and everyone is darling.
Miller developed his style and raffish stage persona during these years.
She recalled him as a raffish public-schoolboy type and a complete wastrel, but very engaging.
In his public debates he oscillates between raffish charm and a finely measured line in contempt.
Raffish it ain't, but some very different people are likely to end up in the same pub...
He meddled in an imaginative, often raffish or coquettish, and always elegant depictions of dramas in elegant period costume occurring in equally ornamented interiors.

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