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Übersetzungen für rapturous im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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rapturous [ˈræptʃərəs] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The two poets in the opera are given to reciting their own verses aloud, principally to the admiring chorus of rapturous maidens.
He told me that, ever since the first time we met, his soul has been filled with rapturous feelings towards me, which grow all the time.
His public comments addressed this continuous theme as well, receiving rapturous support from his mainland audience.
He later said he fell on them with rapturous excitement and found each volume a guidebook to the technique of stagecraft.
It casts an intelligent spell - intelligent and rapturous.
But this movie, with its rapturous yet ruined love affair, also has a lighter side: an elegiac grace and sweetness.
The highest heaven is said to be self-realization because that state is eternal, evernew, pure, perfect, and rapturous.
There was rapturous applause, and commissions arrived from other cabarets too.
Yet they were physically staged, at least in part, to rapturous acclaim, and are not merely closet dramas.
It tells a story about a hero returning from a far off war and the rapturous welcome he received from his town folk.

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