Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für rawhide im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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rawhide [ˈrɔ:haɪd, Am ˈrɑ:-] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Early radial shaft seals utilized rawhide as the sealing element, and many elastomeric seal companies today once were tanneries.
Like an old, broken-in baseball glove -- with a layered, faithful palette of subtle browns aged by clay and rawhide and spit.
The construction of horse armour was probably somewhat varied; including bardings composed of metal or rawhide lamellae, or soft armour of quilted or felted textile.
The edges of the shield were bound with stitched rawhide, which shrank as it dried improving structural cohesion.
Other materials used were animal guts, animal sinews, and rawhide.
The rounds or steps had been tied to the sides with rawhide.
Rabbits, which only eat vegetation, can not have rawhide toys because their digestive systems can not process them.
Hammering wire with a plastic or rawhide mallet will harden wire without changing its shape.
Leather and rawhide may be flat or rolled.
Traditional trees were made of wood or wood laminate covered with rawhide, though modern synthetic materials are also used today.

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