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Übersetzungen für reawaken im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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reawaken [ˌri:əˈweɪkən] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The final part of the book details life after everyone except these seven people have fallen asleep and not reawakened.
This is a small drink of calvados taken between courses in a very long meal, sometimes with apple sorbet, supposedly to reawaken the appetite.
These primitive feelings are reawakened by later events, especially those reminiscent of unwanted or abrupt separations from a source of sustenance.
But he reawakens the souls of the phibob, the malevolent ghosts still seeking revenge on the doctor for past misdeeds.
It was reawakened when the miner's equipment dug into its prison.
Nature utters the eternal word to the artist: love, love; and the earth sings life in spring, and the soul of things reawakens.
Following preservation the heart was reinserted as the seat of the soul and rituals were conducted to reawaken the senses of the deceased.
In some cases, palliative sedation is begun with the plan to not attempt to reawaken the patient.
Only libations of blood offered to them in the world of the living can reawaken in them for a time the sensations of humanity.
Around 1912, the movement, which had grown sluggish, began to reawaken.

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