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Übersetzungen für receipt book im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Cash register tapes, bank deposit slips, receipt books and credit card slips all record important information.
The explosive findings included missing receipt books, the use of 12 bank accounts and allowances being paid to staff despite that not being in their contract agreements.
Its owner bought it in 1911, on the instalment plan, and included in the exhibit are her payment receipt book and an heirloom christening gown sewn on this machine.
He misplaces the receipt book, however.
Those run the gamut from cash register tapes to receipt books.
One of the reasons why we failed in the receipt book system was that it took farmers years upon years to go and get registered.
You give him a charge slip to sign (a receipt book will do nicely for this).
In the meantime, a breakthrough in the case came with the careful examination of a receipt book for oil sale commissions.
In investigation revealed that several receipts in the court's receipt book had been altered.
In a classic example of a self-inflicted wound, he was found not guilty of the fraud charges he was trying to avoid by making the fake receipt book.

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