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Übersetzungen für ride down im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The ride down was, too, but with the night looming we had no theater tickets.
Or one of those double-decker tour buses where you could ride down the street drinking beer and shouting at strangers.
A number of leaves are lashed together and people ride down hills on them.
From the bridge, ride down the bank and under the bridge then follow the trail through weeping willows.
It's a bumpy ride down a rocky road to some semblance of happiness, peace and self-acceptance.
So when she had the chance to take a ride down the street on a six-wheel all-terrain vehicle, she jumped at it.
From the concourse level they take another escalator ride down to the platform.
The second mode, called freeride, let players ride down any mountain without any time limits, ghosts or scores.
At the signal of the director, one of the wooden trains, filled with mannequins, was sent for its last ride down the aged track.
A tough hike up the hill results in a thrilling ride down this hill where you will encounter small bumps and jumps.

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