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Übersetzungen für saccharine im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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saccharine [ˈsækəri:n, Am -ɚɪn] ADJ abw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And you'd get to work on shows that aren't ridiculously broad, unbearably bright, sweeter than saccharine and largely awful.
In place of the overalls and saccharine smile were revealing clothing and suggestive simpers.
It's a theme that can work well, but here the delivery is toe-curlingly saccharine, right down to the flower-bedecked stage.
Too bombastic or saccharine, and you run the risk of alienating visitors.
Slightly sweet and caramel-like, it's got plenty of herbaceous, spicy tequila flavour under its saccharine sombrero.
Apart from having a saccharine voice, the singer has also carved a niche for herself with her versatility.
Her joyous illustrations remain sweet and nostalgic, without ever becoming overly saccharine.
The emphasis was on avoiding sugar, saccharine matter, starch, beer, milk and butter.
Her saccharine-sweet attitude and wide-eyed insincerity were hilarious, as was her super-mysterious hot pink notebook full of morale-boosting platitudes.
While it's still as saccharine sweet as her previous hits, there's also a rather, well, "mature" quality to it (despite the title).

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