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Übersetzungen für salacious im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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salacious [səˈleɪʃəs] ADJ abw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although he is torn by the demands of those around him, his producer wants salacious storylines and his sister craves something more edifying.
In contrast to big cities, boycotts in smaller towns were more effective and theater owners complained of the harassment they received when they exhibited salacious films.
To promote the film, the producers advertised that it was not to be shown to anyone under eighteen, implying that it contained salacious material.
He resigned as foreign minister in 2008 amid a scandal over salacious text messages sent to a stripper from his work phone.
This salacious story involved three court cases, and was reported around the world.
Salacious details of the lives of public figures is a central content element in many media.
The strip club as an outlet for salacious entertainment is a recurrent theme in popular culture.
The title also conveys a double meaning, canard being a possible salacious rumour or whisper and enchan simply meaning linked, hence the inside whisper.
I can imagine that, before people see it, they might think it was salacious.
Lacking any salacious content despite its subtitle, the work is written in a pastiche of sentimental women's magazine prose.

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