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Übersetzungen für saltwater im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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saltwater ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The seeds are encased in an impermeable outer case, and can remain viable for years, even after extended immersion in saltwater.
It attempted to return to the airport, but lost altitude and was force landed in a saltwater lagoon some 2 miles short of the runway.
These plants are known as halophytes, and have adapted to grow submerged in saltwater.
The amnion (5) aids in osmoregulation and serves as a saltwater reservoir.
The estuary is made up of saltwater marshes, raised salt marsh, wet meadows and riverine shallows and creeks.
It is also home to anchialine pools, which are pools of saltwater connected to the ocean via minute cracks in the limestone.
Historically, the interaction of the rivers flow and the oceans tide created a dynamic environment, supporting freshwater, brackish, and saltwater species.
It is very common in brackish water and saltwater, in estuaries and salt marshes.
Halibut can also be found in the saltwater inlets near the city.
If the cost of desalination drops enough, it will be cheaper to generate freshwater from saltwater than to import freshwater from another country.

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