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Übersetzungen für scarlet fever im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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scarlet fever SUBST no Pl MED

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He developed an antitoxin for scarlet fever, and definitively established that viruses cause the common cold.
Baker sat out of baseball during the 1920 season, as his wife died of scarlet fever.
During this period, her daughter contracted scarlet fever and died.
She was only briefly mentioned and presumed dead by scarlet fever after 1903, a year after her birth, in her original time.
Major diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and scarlet fever have been brought under control.
This organism is also the cause of scarlet fever, which over the same period has also declined markedly in severity and incidence.
During one year of operation, 23 cases of scarlet fever were cared for.
It was first used in 1874 for scarlet fever arriving on an inbound ship and operated for almost 50 years, slowly growing in size.
The bulk of the labourers' cottages were erected by 1916, resulting in a widespread decline of rampant tuberculosis, typhoid and scarlet fever.
They arrived in the middle of a scarlet fever epidemic, in which the eldest sister died.

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