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Übersetzungen für sculptural im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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sculptural [ˈskʌlptʃərəl] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Structurally, the group made use of collage, mixed media, oversized canvases, and assemblages that gave many of the works a sculptural quality.
He works were often sculptural, painted, including figures and busts.
Within this typology, the wagon was a sculptural artists book that contained the other three book types.
Later the faade surrounded the walls of the tower and the main western faade shows the rich sculptural and architectural details.
After the war, like many other sculptors who were also ex-servicemen, he carried out sculptural work on war memorials.
This is the largest sculptural piece in the temple with a ground surface area of about 2x2 meters and is called the helmet or "amalaka".
These combined sculptural elements with surface painting, often with curvilinear designs emphasized by bold, black outlining.
It is a sculptural garden, exhibiting works by nationally and internationally recognized artists.
She has become known for her creations of sculptural forms.
Much of her work is sculptural and installation-based, incorporating found objects and materials.

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