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Übersetzungen für sharpener im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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sharpener [ˈʃɑ:pnəɐ] SUBST

pencil sharpener

knife sharpener SUBST

knife sharpener

pencil sharpener SUBST

Beispielsätze für sharpener

pencil sharpener

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The basic tools are a drawing board or table, pencil sharpener and eraser, and for ink drawing, blotting paper.
An artist's or draftsman's pencil sharpener leaves the graphite untouched and sharpens only the wood.
By 1911, after seven years of low wages, he was working as a pencil sharpener wholesaler and began to write fiction.
The body of the sharpener is often contoured, ridged or grooved to make the small block easier to firmly grip.
The pencil is inserted into the sharpener and rotated while the sharpener is held motionless.
Artists use cosmetic sharpeners for pencils on account of an eyeliner is made with soft wax like that inside of a pencil.
Typically, the pencil is inserted into the sharpener with one hand and the crank turned with the other.
It is simple with no moving parts, except for the sharpener.
Such sharpeners may be very easy to use even by children, but may be more expensive than prism sharpeners.
Prism sharpeners can be bare or enclosed in a container to collect the shavings.

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