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Übersetzungen für shaving foam im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I write this with shaving foam still spattered on my face and shirt.
This is, experts joke, the real cutting edge of science, where no effort is spared to find ways to make better and more efficient shaving foams and razors.
Cut to the dishevelled-looking protestor, face covered in shaving foam.
Shave using a new razor and plenty of sensitive skin shaving foam.
I found objects strewn out across the floor, and a tub of shaving foam, which had been on the other side of the room, down the toilet.
The appearance of protesters today was highly predictable; and the sort of tools they use - placards, shaving foam -- entirely predictable, too.
Whether you want to shave your legs or your face, slather on some suncream for an effective substitute for shaving foam.
There are reports that people have arrived with piles of shaving foam on their heads.
Among the items to be delivered were: toothpaste/brush, razors/shaving foam, a warm hat, scarf and gloves as well as hand warmers, underwear, lip balm, snacks and treats.
To make fluffy slime, add some shaving foam to the mix!

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