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Übersetzungen für shipboard im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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shipboard [ˈʃɪpbɔ:d, Am -bɔ:rd] ADJ

Beispielsätze für shipboard

on shipboard

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Launched from a portable catapult, it can be recovered with a shipboard landing system, or belly land on unimproved surfaces.
The shipboard radar fulfills roles of sentry, meteo, target discrimination, acquisition and chase.
The shipboard power system can not on its own supply the high power transients necessary to launch aircraft.
Some mobile radios are mounted in aircraft, (aeronautical mobile), shipboard, (maritime mobile), on motorcycles, or railroad locomotives.
Users had to learn to say over when done talking and the shipboard radioman would key the transmitter.
This involves the strike group conducting multiple combat missions simultaneously as well as testing shipboard damage control readiness.
The report also stated that the aircraft had shown weakness in situational awareness, maintenance, shipboard operations and transport capability.
To accomplish these missions, each company is divided, along shipboard lines, into three departments, each of which is divided into a variety of divisions.
To avoid the difficulties inherent with shipboard launch and recovery, helicopter deployment of large spar buoys has been studied.
Specialized windproof butane lighters are manufactured for demanding conditions such as shipboard, high altitude, and wet climates.

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