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Übersetzungen für shorts im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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shorts [ʃɔ:ts, Am ˈʃɔ:rts] SUBST pl

1. shorts Brit, Aus (short trousers):


2. shorts Am (underpants):


Bermuda shorts [bɜ:ˈmju:dəˌʃɔ:ts, Am bɚ- ˌʃɔ:rts] SUBST

Beispielsätze für shorts

cycling shorts

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The school uniform was a khaki outfit of shorts and shirt with grey socks and black shoes for everyday wear.
Athletic tights received some publicity during the 20052006 basketball season, when players started wearing the ankle-length tights under their uniform shorts.
Some sections become very overgrown in summer with nettles and brambles so shorts are not advisable.
Other popular trends included hoodies, jean shorts, khaki cargo pants, baggy basketball shorts, and chinos.
In addition to the three seasons, there were two recap episodes and three shorts.
Four or five of us started regularly going down there, vaulting over horses and things like that, in our gym shorts in all our innocence.
You wouldn't think boxer shorts or pants would fit down a toilet.
Other types of garment are commonly worn for sleeping, but not exclusively so, including t-shirts, tank tops, sweatpants and gym shorts as well as underwear with no outer garment.
The century old traditions of suits during the week, and Bermuda shorts and polos on the weekend are rapidly fading into memories of a more boring past.
Claret and sky blue shorts/socks were worn in several away games in order to prevent kit mix-ups.

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