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Übersetzungen für shrubs im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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shrub [ʃrʌb] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It favours thick undergrowth with brambles, dense shrubs and tangled vegetation in swampy places and near water.
The beds were planted with a seasonal mix of bulbs, annuals and shrubs such as gladioli, hollyhocks, tulips, pansys and azaleas.
For foraging, it prefers woodland with abundant undergrowth of shrubs; essentially, it thrives best in a mix of primary and secondary forest.
A large number of shrubs grow here, including chokecherry, juniper, saskatoon, sandbar willow, and two varieties of wild rose.
They are deciduous or evergreen shrubs, typically reaching 0.35 m tall.
However, because of its quick growth, clinging vines and broad leaves, it can overwhelm and pull down cultivated plants including shrubs and small trees.
Surrounding the raised causeways were artificial floating gardens with canal waterways and gardens of plants, shrubs, and trees.
They vary from 50-m-high trees to small trees or shrubs in lowland evergreen forest and rainforest.
Larvae are typically herbivores and feed on the foliage of trees and shrubs, with occasional exceptions that are leaf miners, stem borers, or gall makers.
This included the planting of 77,000 trees and shrubs.

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