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Übersetzungen für signally im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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signally [ˈsɪgnəlɪ] ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Global temperatures have signally failed to rise as the computer models, upon which the whole scare was based, said they should.
And, signally, in the men and women, swaddled in their blue sleeping-bags, to whom they bring not only food, but company, comfort.
The long-awaited record has signally failed to materialise, despite an announcement more than 12 months ago that it was ready for release.
Unfortunately, too many marketers particularly those in creative departments within advertising agencies signally fail to recognise the importance, and long-term nature, of this investment.
This they signally fail to do.
She signally failed to build her own independent power base in the parliamentary party.
This woman is dull, trying, and signally incapable of ponying up the sharp lines and insightful asides that make a novel enjoyable along the way.
But it was in his theological studies that he displayed his endowments most signally.
He signally failed so to do.
Its advantages as a rapid means of conveying intelligence and detecting criminals had been signally demonstrated, and it was soon adopted on a more extensive scale.

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