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Übersetzungen für siphon off im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We even siphon off scarce school money to support charter schools, many of which have a religious orientation.
Corrupt governments siphon off the money to line their personal pockets.
While in this form, he was also able to siphon off the life energy of living beings by sending specialized tendrils into their body cavities.
It's not clear if the ransomware program does indeed siphon off user files before or after encrypting them.
The paper also pointed out that due to low commissions, dealers would siphon off grains to the open market to make up their costs.
If this bizarre dead star has a companion star, it can siphon off material and collect it on its surface.
When a player has this card, it allows him to siphon off money from the game deck and take them all for his personal gains.
Second, attackers may attempt to redirect or siphon off mining capabilities from a competing pool.
Trucks began to siphon off significant amounts of business, however, and by the late 1940s, customers began to switch from coal to natural gas to heat their buildings.
He designed a costume for her that would siphon off the excess radiation, give her natural immunity the opportunity to manifest fully and heal the damage already done.

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