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Übersetzungen für sleeping tablet im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für sleeping tablet

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Sleep improvements from changes like these are much better sustained in the long term than a short-term fix with sleeping tablets.
The one you've tried clearly, which is sleeping tablets, hypnotics, many of them work, but they don't work perfectly.
She had noticed he wasn't sleeping peacefully and asked her doctor if she could give him half a sleeping tablet.
He said it was not unusual for players to take sleeping tablets after matches.
He was prescribed sleeping tablets to help him restore his sleeping pattern and had begun seeing a counsellor, the inquest was told.
The man had just started taking sleeping tablets and had ongoing thoughts of self-harm in the light of what he said was continuing harassment.
In a recent study, subjects taking a dummy pill took only 20 minutes longer to fall asleep than those taking a sleeping tablet.
The next day he was pacing the corridor and was preoccupied with his sleep pattern over the last few days and was given a sleeping tablet.
The 36-year-old passenger took a single sleeping tablet at the beginning of a transatlantic flight and slept for seven hours in the same position.
When taken by someone who is already on a sleeping tablet, it causes sedation.

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