Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für slippery im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

slippery <-ier, -iest> [ˈslɪpərɪ] ADJ

1. slippery (not giving firm hold):

slippery surface
slippery soap

2. slippery (untrustworthy):

slippery person
slippery person

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I could never have got up by myself for the rock faces were very steep, smooth and slippery.....
I was on the slippery road of public life.
However, they can also be used in various equine competitions for better traction on footing such as wet and slippery conditions.
There are many examples of bikes that have been built or addapted to cope with the hard and slippery surface of ice.
Besides being slippery in wet weather, the timber absorbed water and became heavier which affected the balance and placed excessive loads on the opening machinery.
They probably fed mainly on fish, their teeth were helpful in dealing with slippery or hard-shelled prey.
In slippery condition, such as in rain or on ice, such over-banked curves cause most problem to vehicles driven at too slow speed.
The edge of shore is rocky and slippery.
It started raining halfway through the show, causing the ring mat to become slippery at times.
This can give deceptive results, applying safe ratings to some flooring samples that are in fact very slippery when wet.

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